The Metropolitan Transportation Commission

The federal government, state Legislature and Bay Area voters have assigned MTC a wide-ranging portfolio of duties. For starters, MTC is the metropolitan planning organization for the nine-county San Francisco Bay Area — a federal designation that comes with a list of responsibilities. And MTC is also the regional transportation planning agency for the Bay Area — a state designation. 

MTC has interpreted these mandates broadly, launching a number of initiatives to deliver a smooth-functioning, well-maintained transportation system. At the same time, concerns about climate change and the environment underlie everything we do. 

One of MTC's core roles is to adopt a long-range plan to guide transportation and housing for the next 25 years. Developed with extensive public input, the plan is updated every four years. MTC also works to secure the funds to make this regional vision a reality, by lobbying for grants in Sacramento and Washington, D.C., helping to shape national and statewide transportation funding programs, and bringing regional funding measures before voters.

Here are some of our other roles:

We launch new projects and programs every year in response to new mandates, advances in technology and changing conditions.