At, we strive to provide the most effective and valuable solutions for both job seekers and employers in the Architecture/Engineering/Construction (A/E/C) industry. Our pricing structure reflects the value and benefits associated with each type of job posting.
The $745 cost for a featured job posting is designed to offer maximum visibility and prominence to your job opportunity. This elevated visibility ensures that your job posting reaches a broader and more targeted audience of potential candidates. Our featured job postings are highlighted, often placed at the top of search results, and may even be promoted through various channels, enhancing their reach and visibility.
Moreover, our featured job postings come with a money-back guarantee. This guarantee underscores our confidence in the effectiveness of our platform. If an employer does not receive qualified candidates within the 90-day posting period, we are committed to refunding the cost of the featured posting. This guarantee demonstrates our commitment to providing results and ensuring a high-quality experience for our customers.
Our money-back guarantee offers you a risk-free investment when you purchase our job posting. We are confident in our ability to provide you with a minimum of three qualified candidates who match your hiring criteria.
As an employer, you have the flexibility to specify your job posting requirements, including years of experience, higher education degrees, licenses, or certifications. Candidates who meet at least 50% of your requirements will be considered for your job.
Throughout the process, our dedicated team will work closely with you to ensure that the applicants align with your hiring needs. We continuously strive to present and attract suitable candidates who are a good fit for your position.
It's important to note that while we guarantee a minimum of three applicants, we cannot guarantee a hire. Additionally, our money-back guarantee does not cover circumstances such as hiring freezes, lay-offs, or other economic events.
If you wish to request a refund*, simply email after the 90th day of your initial job posting. Please include your name, company name, job title, posting date, and mailing address to initiate the refund process. Your satisfaction is guaranteed no questions asked.
We are committed to providing you with a seamless and effective job posting experience, backed by our money-back guarantee. Your satisfaction is our priority.