Watearth, Inc.

Watearth, Inc. combines extensive and award-winning experience in water resources, hydrology and hydraulics, Low Impact Development, Green Infrastructure, water quality, and environmental engineering with an unparalleled knowledge of sustainable stormwater and water management to deliver cost-effective long-term solutions to our clients’ environmental and water challenges. Our thorough understanding of today’s regulatory climate allows us to focus on our clients’ concerns and competing priorities within the context of today’s regulatory climate with a collaborative and integrated planning process.

Founded in 2008 by Principal Engineer, Jennifer J. Walker, P.E., D.WRE, ENV SP, CFM, QSD, we are a leader in water resources and integrating Green Infrastructure with flood control. We have extensive experience in implementing flood control, Green Infrastructure, and water resources projects in urbanized and undeveloped areas from a watershed-level down to the smallest site. We have successfully provided services from planning and modeling through design, construction, and maintenance phases. Our comprehensive knowledge and hands-on experience allows us to “hit the ground running” with solutions that work for our clients.